Socialism or Barbarism: SouBA (exceprts)
Marc Foucault: 1948
Alex Carrier: The Trade-Union Unity Action Coalition
Ph. Guillaume: The American Worker by Paul Romano
Paul Romano: The American Worker
Open Letter to the Militants of the PCI and the “Fourth International”
Correction; Pierre Chaulieu: Unproductive Mouthings
(MAY-JUNE 1949)
Pierre Chaulieu: The Relations of Production in Russia:SouBA (excerpts)
Jean Léger: Babeuf and the Birth of Workers’ Communism
Paul Romano: The American Worker (Continued)
The Life of Our Group:
The Revolutionary Party (Resolution): SouBA (excerpts)
By-Laws Resolution
The International Situation; Roger Bertin: Revolutionary Defeatism and Stalinist Defeatism; Jean Seurel: The Kravchenko Trial
Marc Foucault: La Fortune américaine et son destin, by Jean Piel
Philippe Guillaume: War and Our Era
Pierre Chaulieu: The Temporary Consolidation of World Capitalism
Paul Romano: The American Worker (Continued)
V. W.: Stakhanovism and Snitching in Czechoslovak Factories
The Life of Our Group
The International Situation; Three Strikes; Strikes in French-Canadian Asbestos Mines
Renée Sauguet: La vie ouvrière sous le Second Empire, by Georges Duveau
Peregrinus: The Kolkohz During the War
P. Chaulieu: The Exploitation of the Peasantry
under Bureaucratic Capitalism
Paul Romano: The American Worker (Continued)
The Life of Our Group:
The Second Meeting of Readers of “Socialisme ou Barbarie”;
Work Plan and Elaboration of the Program
The International Situation; Overview of Events; The Repercussions of the Russian Atomic Explosion; Devaluation and Vassalization; Industrial Actions
C. Montal: Trotskyism in the Service of Titoism
Pierre Chaulieu and Georges Dupont: The Yugoslavian Bureaucracy: PSW 1 (excerpts)
Philippe Guillaume: War and Our Era (Continued)
Paul Romano: The American Worker (End): SouBA (excerpts)
The Life of Our Group
The International Situation; Industrial Actions; Raymond Bourt: Renault Relaunches the Strike Movement; Roger Bertin: The Strike at S.O.M.U.A.
Hugo Bell: Stalinism in East Germany: SouBA (excerpts)
Philippe Guillaume: Mechanization and the Proletariat
Ria Stone: The Reconstruction of Society
The Life of Our Group:
Political Declaration Drafted by the FFGC with a View to Unification with the “Socialisme ou Barbarie” Group
The International Situation: Korea, End of the Cold War; Henri Collet; The Strike at Assurances Générales-Vie; Jean Léger: The Kalandra Trial
Raymond Bourt: Voyage in Yugoslavia
Hugo Bell: Stalinism in East Germany (Continued): SouBA (excerpts)
Ria Stone: The Reconstruction of Society (End)
The International Situation; J. Dupont: “Working-Class” Organizations and the Korean War; P.C.: Nationalization and Productivity
(APRIL-MAY 1952)
War and the Revolutionary Perspective
A. Véga: The Class Struggle in Spain
The Life of Our Group
Claude Lefort: Pascal [Donald Simon]
G. Pétro: The March 1951 Railway Strike; Pascal: An Adventurer in the Bureaucratic World: La vie et la mort en U.R.S.S., by El Campesino [Valentín R. González’s Listen Comrades: Life and Death in the Soviet Union]
Pierre Chaulieu: On the Socialist Program
Discussion on the Problem of the Revolutionary Party:
Pierre Chaulieu: Proletarian Leadership: PSW 1 (excerpts)
Claude Montal: The Proletariat and the Problem of Revolutionary Leadership: SouBA (excerpts)
Claude Montal: The Social Situation in France; G. Pétro: Trotskyism and Stalinism; André Garros: Youth Hostels
Proletarian Experience: SouBA (excerpts)
René Neuvil: French Employers and Productivity
A. Véga: The Crisis of Italian Bordigism
G. Vivier: Life in the Factory
The International Situation
G.P.: Three Who Made a Revolution, by Bertram Wolfe
Pierre Chaulieu: On the Dynamic of Capitalism
G. Pétro: The American “Left”
G. Vivier: Life in the Factory
The International Situation;
Hugo Bell: Soviet Trade Unions, by Isaac Deutscher; Pierre Chaulieu: Sartre, Stalinism, and the Workers; Political Documents: The Theses of the PCI of Italy
1953 and Workers’ Struggles:
A. Véga: Meaning of the June 1953 Revolt in East Germany: SouBA (excerpts)
Hugo Bell: The Proletariat of East Germany after the June Revolt
Robert Dussart: The August 1953 Strikes
Chronology of the Strikes
Daniel Faber: The Postal Workers’ Strike
G. Pétro: The Railroad Workers’ Strike
Daniel Mothé: The Strike at Renault
J. Simon: The Insurance Business Strike
Daniel Mothé: The Trade-Union Bureaucracy and the Workers
Pierre Chaulieu: On the Dynamic of Capitalism (II)
A Workers’ Newspaper in the United States
Pierre Chaulieu: The Situation of Imperialism and Proletarian Perspectives
D. Mothé: The Problem of Trade-Union Unity
Anton Pannekoek: Letter to Chaulieu
P. Chaulieu: Response to Comrade Pannekoek
G. Vivier: Life in the Factory
Hugo Bell: Wilhelm Piek, or the Career of a Big Bureaucrat; D. Faber: The Strike of the Railroad Offices Postal Workers; R. M.: Intellectuals and Workers: An Article from Correspondence
Pierre Chaulieu: Mendès-France: Vague Desires for Independence and
an Attempted Patch-Up Job
Philippe Guillaume: The H-Bomb and Apocalyptic War
G. Vivier: Life in the Factory
G. Fontenis: Presence in the Trade Unions
André Garros: The Strikes in West Germany; A Workers’ Newspaper at Renault; Socialisme ou Barbarie Abroad
Pierre Chaulieu: On the Content of Socialism: CR (excerpts), SouBA (excerpts)
D. Mothé: The Problem of a Workers’ Newspaper
G. Vivier: Life in the Factory
Henri Féraud: Trade-Union Unity
Claude Montal: The New Russian Diplomacy;
F. Laborde: Le mouvement ouvrier en Amérique Latine,
by V. Alba [Victor Alba’s Historia del movimiento obrero en América Latina,
later translated into English, in a revised version,
as Politics and the Labor Movement in Latin America]; Meeting of Readers of Socialisme ou Barbarie; Letter from a Comrade
The Workers’ Press (Excerpts from Correspondence and Tribune Ouvrière)
Workers’ Struggles in 1955:
J. Simon: The Summer Strikes
D. Mothé: Inaction at Renault
Georges Dupont: The Chausson Settlement
René Neuvil: A Strike in the Paris Suburbs
Wildcat Strikes in the American Automobile Industry: PSW 2, SouBA
The English Dockers’ Strikes
Pierre Chaulieu: Workers Confront the Bureaucracy
F. Laborde: The Situation in North Africa
Théo Maassen: Once Again on the Party Question
Pierre Chaulieu: The French Elections; Claude Montal: Poujadism; René Neuvil: The International Situation;
Claude Montal: Juin 36, by Danos and Gibelin [Jacques Danos and Marcel Gibelin’s book, later translated as June ’36: Class Struggle and the Popular Front in France];
Meeting of Readers of Socialisme ou Barbarie; The Workers’ Press: Excerpts from Tribune Ouvrière
Claude Lefort: Totalitarianism Without Stalin: The USSR in a New Phase: SouBA (excerpts)
Journal of a Worker: May 1956 at Renault
Pierre Chaulieu: Automation Strikes in Englany: PSW 2, SouBA
The World in Question:
From January to June; Role Reversal, or the Government’s Policy in Algeria; Psychological Shock; The CP and Algeria; Khrushchev and the Decomposition of the Bureaucratic Ideology; A Party of Old Bureaucrats; De-Stalinization in the People’s
Democracies; De-Stakhanovization in Poland; The French CP After the Twentieth Congress; Curtain on the Metaphysics of the Trials
by M. Blin, H. Bell, P. Chaulieu, A. Garros, Ph. Guillaume, Cl. Montal, A. Véga
R. Berthier: An Experience of Workers’ Organization: The Personnel Council at Assurances Générales-Vie
The Revolution in Poland and in Hungary:
Questions to French CP Militants
Claude Lefort: The Hungarian Insurrection: SouBA (excerpts)
Ph. Guillaume: How They Fought
D. Mothé: At Renault, They’re Talking about Hungary
Pierre Chaulieu: The Proletarian Revolution against the Bureaucracy
R. Maille: The Imperialist Powers and Nasser’s Egypt
The World in Question:
Suez; Algeria: The Right-Hand Men; The North-African Bourgeoisie; The Le Havre Congress; Marcinelle; The Trade Union’s Struggle Around the Renault Works Council; Rebel Without a Cause, by Nicholas Ray
by M. Blin, A. Garros, F. Laborde, R. Neuvil
(MARCH-MAY 1957)
Assessment, Perspectives, Tasks
Claude Lefort: Return from Poland
Pierre Chaulieu: The Polish Path of Bureaucratization
Polish Documents
Documents, Narratives, and Texts on the Hungarian Revolution:
Pannonicus: The Hungarian Revolution’s Workers’ Councils
Jean Amair: The Re-Stalinization of Hungary
Hugo Bell: A Sixteen-Week Strike in Schleswig-Holstein
Two Wildcat Strikes in Germany
D. Mothé: French Workers and the North Africans
The World in Question:
The “Communist Opposition” in France; New Phase for the Algerian Question; Among the Postal Workers, A “Sector-Based” Strike; In Spain: From Passive Resistance to Active Resistance; The Stockholm Revolt; In Italy, the Revolutionary Workers’ Left Gets Organized
by Y. Bourdet, S. Diesbach, G. Genette, Ph. Guillaume, F. Laborde, R. Maille
Pierre Chaulieu: On the Content of Socialism
D. Mothé: The Factory and Workers’ Management: SouBA (excerpts)
R. Maille: Khrushchev’s New Reforms
D. Mothé: Agitation at Renault
The World in Question:
The French Situation; The Accounts of the “Loyal Manager”; The April-May Strikes; The Counter-Revolution in Hungary; Six Months of Kadarization; The Situation in Poland; The Awakening of Intellectuals and Students in the USSR; Strikes in Great Britain
by R. Berthier, P. Chaulieu, F. Laborde, Cl. Lefort, M. Leroy, S. Tensor
How to Struggle?
R. Berthier: July1957 Bank Strike
D. Mothé: The Strikes at Renault
News from Strike Movements:
D. Mothé: How the Nantes and St. Nazaire Movement Was Killed Off
R. Berthier: A Strike in the Provinces
Ph. Guillaume: News Flash About the Postal Workers’ Strike, or “Long Live Lack of Organization”
Pierre Chaulieu: On the Content of Socialism
Claude Lefort: The Method of So-Called “Progressive” Intellectuals: Samples
Ph. Guillaume: Facing the Artificial Russian Satellite
Gabor Kocsis: On the Workers’ Councils
“Trade Unions and Workers’ Councils” (excerpt from Nemzetör)
The World in Question:
The Situation in Hungary; On L’homme ne vit pas seulement du pain, by Dudintsev [Vladimir Dudintsev’s Not by Bread Alone]; L’Algérie en 1957, by Germaine Till[i]on; La révolution qui vient, by Yvan Craipeau; Expulsions at the French National Primary-School Teachers’ Union; Revolts; Mass Man, or the ABCs of the Party “Militant”
by R. Berthier, M. Brune, P. Canjuers, A. Garros, M. Gautrat, C. Leroy
(MAY-JUNE 1958)
The French Proletariat and Algerian Nationalism
F. Laborde: Algerian Contradictions Exposedt: SouBA (excerpts)
P. Brune: The Class Struggle in Bureaucratic China: SouBA (excerpts)
The World in Question:
The Role of Shop Stewards; Poland: Cold Kadarization; The Strikes in Spain; Notes on England; The Lessons of Henri Lafièvre, Worker Militant; The New Wave; René Neuvil: Working . . . Amid the Chlorophyll; A Splendid Socialist Conscientiousness: Eugène Thomas, Socialist Minister of the French Telephone and Telegraph Company; Correction for the News Flash About the Lille Postal Workers’ Strike; A Left-Wing Meeting Devoted to Algeria; Reintegration of those Excluded from the French National Primary-School Teachers’ Union
La nouvelle classe dirigeante [The New Class], by Milovan Djilas; Histoire du Premier Mai, by Maurice Dommanget
La Blonde Explosive [Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?, by Frank Tashlin], No Down Payment [by Martin Ritt]
Theater: Paolo Paoli, by Arthur Adamov
by Yvon Boudet, P. Canjuers, S. Chatel, Ph. Guillaume, M. Imbert, Cl. Lefort, M. M., R. Maille, René Neuvil, S. Tensor
The French Crisis and Gaullism:
S. Chatel and P. Canjuers: The Crisis of the Bourgeois Republic
F. Laborde: “Counter-Revolutionary” War,
Colonial Society, and de Gaulle
Cl. Lefort: The Power of de Gaulle
P. Chaulieu: Perspectives on the French Crisis
D. Mothé: What We’ve Been Told; At the Mors Factory; Fifteen Days of Agitation, Viewed by the Employees at a Large Company; A Primary-School Teacher: Teachers and the Defense of the Republic; S. Chatel: The Students of the Sorbonne and the Crisis; B.: Workers’ Reactions
in Le Mans; The Big May 28 Demonstration (excerpted from Tribune Ouvrière); A.G. and S. Tailor (workman): At the May 28 Demonstration
Tracts published by Pouvoir Ouvrier; Tribune Ouvrière; the Revolutionary Action Committee; the students of Socialisme ou Barbarie; a group of employees
G. Luk[á]cs: Critical Remarks on Rosa Luxemburg’s Critique of the Russian Revolution
The French Crisis:
P. Canjuers: Birth of the Fifth Republic
R. Maille: Objectives and Contradictions of the French Communist Party
D. Mothé: At Renault, After the Referendum
S. Chatel: De Gaulle and Black Africa
André Garros: The “Union of the Socialist Left”
S. Tensor: The May, June, and July Strikes in England
Claude Lefort: Organization and Party: SouBA (excerpts)
L. S.: Where is the Communist Opposition At?
The World in Question:
Interview with a Yugoslavian Worker; In England, the Shop Stewards Make Life Difficult for the Trade-Union Bigwigs; Le Mans News Item; Children’s Remarks; A New Workers’ Organization in England
Les idées politiques et sociales d’Auguste Blanqui, by Maurice Dommanget
by R. B., S. Chatel, Ph. Guillaume, C. P.
(APRIL-MAY 1959)
Rationalization on the Backs of the Workers
P. Canjuers: Sociology-Fiction for a Left-Fiction (Apropos of Serge Mallet)
J. Delvaux: Social Classes and Mr. Touraine
Paul Cardan: Proletariat and Organization: SouBA (excerpts)
S. Chatel: The Leopoldville Revolt
Yvon Bourdet: The Strike at the Saint Frères Factory
The World in Question:
A New Khrushchev Report; The Strikes in Italy; The Movement in the Borinage; Excerpts from the Workers’ Press
Ph. Guillaume: With or Without de Gaulle
An Algerian Recounts His Life
Paul Cardan: Proletariat and Organization (Concluding Installment): SouBA (excerpts)
Resignations from the UGS [Union of the Socialist Left]
M. V.: Secularism in the Public Schools; How Mallet Judges Mothé
Pierre Brune: La Classe ouvrière d’Allemagne Orientale, by Benno Sarel
Excerpts from Pouvoir Ouvrier
Jean-François Lyotard: The Social Content of the Algerian Struggle): SouBA (excerpts)
An Algerian Recounts His Life (Concluding Installment)
P. Brune: China in the Time of Totalitarian Perfection
In Memory of Benjamin Péret:
Jean-Jacques Lebel: Moved, Address Unknown
Benjamin Péret: Le Déshonneur des Poètes
Y. B.: Short-Time Working in the Textile Industry at Beauvais (Somme)
The World in Question:
The News; The English Elections; Khrushchev in the United States; The Steel Strike; Poland: The Efficiency of Bureaucrats; China: “Inexperienced Statisticians”; The Last Mendésist Congress; R. Maille: Mendès-France and the New Reformism
(APRIL-MAY 1960)
D. Mothé: Workers and Culture
Jean-François Lyotard: The State and Politics in France, 1960
Sherwood Anderson: Lift Up Thine Eyes
P. B.: The Kibbutzim in Israel
P. Journet: An Example of American-Style Industry: Péchiney
The World in Question:
The News (with Commentaries); S. Chatel: The African Masses and European Decolonization Plans; Interview with a Martiniquan; P. Canjuers: Apropos of Come Back Africa
The Revolt of Colonized Peoples
S. Chatel: The Vacuum in the Congo
Jean-François Lyotard: Gaullism and Algeria
Ph. Guillaume: Ten Weeks in a Factory
Paul Cardan: Modern Capitalism and Revolution
Kan-ichi Kuroda: Japan, June 1960; Unitá Proletaria: Italy, July 1960
The French Left Viewed by the Algerians
The World in Question:
Lay-Offs at Renault; After the American Elections; The Black Student
“Sit-Downs” in the United States; À bout de soufle [Breathless], by Jean-
Luc Godard
by S. Chatel, D. Mothé
The Belgian Strikes:
Paul Cardan: The Signification of the Belgian Strikes
Testimonies and Reports on the Unfolding of the Strikes:
The Strike Viewed by Those on Strike; Martin Grainger: The Strike Viewed by an English Militant; The Strike Viewed by French Militants
D. Mothé: The Lessons of the Belgian Strikes
S. Chatel: The Loi Unique and “Structural Reforms”
Jean-François Lyotard: In Algeria, A New Wave: SouBA (exceprts)
Ph. Guillaume: Ten Weeks in a Factory (End)
Paul Cardan: Modern Capitalism and Revolution (Continued)
Notes: News from England
Jean Delvaux: Crisis of Gaullism and Crisis of the “Left”
Jean-François Lyotard: Algeria, Seven Years After
D. Mothé: The Young Generations of Workers
P. Canjuers: South-African Society
Paul Cardan: Modern Capitalism and Revolution (End)
The World in Question:
The News; The State of Civil Rights in the USA, 1961; International Conference of Revolutionary Organizations
(MARCH-MAY 1963)
Jean-François Lyotard: Algeria Evacuated
Claude Martin: Student Youth
Student Testimonies:
Richard Dechamp: Student Life; Dionys Gautier: The Student Situation;
Alain Gérard and Marc Noiraud: Sexual Education in the USSR
The World in Question:
The News: The Simplification of Political Life in France; Fissures in the Western Bloc; The Cuban Crisis; The Sino-Soviet Conflict; Acceleration and Contradictions of the Thaw in the USSR; The Situation of Underdeveloped Countries after the Liquidation of Colonialism
The Trial, by Orson Welles; Le Petit Soldat [The Little Soldier], by Jean-Luc Godard; Un Coeur Gros Comme Ça [The Winner], by François Reichenbach; Ciel Pur [Clear Skies (Soviet Film)]
La Raison d’État, by Pierre Vidal-Naquet
by P. Canjuers, S. Chatel, Jean Delvaux, Juliette Feuillet, J-F. Lyotard, Claude Martin
Recommencing the Revolution
Paul Cardan: The Role of Bolshevik Ideology in the Birth of the
Bureaucracy (Introduction to The Workers’ Opposition, by Alexandra
Note on the Author of the Text
Alexandra Kollontai: The Workers’ Opposition
Daniel Guérin: Le Front Populaire; Raymond Bourde: L’extricable; Christiane Rochefort: Les Stances à Sophie [Cats Don’t Care for Money]; Yvon Bourdet: Communisme et marxisme
by Serge Mareuil, Alain Gérard, Paul Cardan
Letter from Algeria
Paul Cardan: Marxism and Revolutionary Theory
Serge Mareuil: Youth and Yé-yé Music
B. Sarel: Impressions of Brazil: The Tres Marias Peasant League
Marvin Garson: Viva Stalino e Liberta
Alan Harrington: Life in the Crystal Palace
Serge Bricianer: Apropos of The Workers’ Opposition
Chronicle of the Workers’ Movement: The CGT Democratizes
Chronicle of the Student Movement: Toward a New “Decolonization”?
Herbert Marcuse, Éros et civilisation [Eros and Civilization]; The Marx Edition in the Pléiade Series; J.-B. Gerbe: Christianisme et Révolution
by Hélène Girard, Yvon Bourdet, Maximilienne Jacques
S. Chatel: Hierarchy and Collective Management: SouBA (exceprts)
Paul Cardan: Marxism and Revolutionary Theory (Continued)
Joseph Gabel: Mr. Garaudy, Kafka, and the Problem of Alienation (Apropos of the Essay: D’un réalisme sans rivages)
Chronicle of the Workers’ Movement: The CGT Democratizes
Chronicle of the Student Movement: The Toulouse UNEF (National Union of Students of France) Congress
The World in Question:
The News; The Doctor’s Strike in Belgium; The Brazilian Coup d’État; The Sino-Soviet Controversy
Le journal d’une femme de chambre [Diary of a Chambermaid, by Luis Buñuel]; Le silence [The Silence, by Ingmar Bergman]
Les archives de Jules-Humbert Droz
by A. Garros, Paul Tikal, Benno Sarel, P. Canjuers, Louise Mai, Yvon Bourdet
S. Chatel: Hierarchy and Collective Management (Concluding Installment): SouBA (exceprts)
Paul Cardan: Marxism and Revolutionary Theory (Continued)
Marvin Garson: The New York World’s Fair
The World in Question:
The Fall of Khrushchev; The American Elections and the Black Problem; The Naked and the Dead (After the English Elections); Hungary ’56; Wealth and Power in America: An Analysis of Social Class and Income Distribution, by Gabriel Kolko; L’Algérie, est-elle socialiste?, by Gérard Chaliand; One Potato, Two Potato [by Larry Peerce]; The Olympic
Games . . . or Ridicule Never Killed Anyone Yet; Voyage in Algeria; La vie à l’envers, by Alain Jessua; Lenin and the Second International
by Yvon Bourdet, Serge Bricianer, P. Canjuers, Paul Cardan, Alain Gérard, Hélène Gérard, Claude Martin, Benno Sarel, Paul Tikal
Edgar Morin: Revolutionized Man and Revolutionary Man
Paul Cardan: Marxism and Revolutionary Theory (Continued)
Students in Revolt: The Battle of Berkeley Campus; The Mind of Clark Kerr
The World in Question:
Khrushchevism Without Khrushchev; On the Proper Usage of Sartres; Two Dance Balls, Two Manners; Doctors and Strikes; “Develop Your Life-Saving Skills,” or Western Humanism in Four Lessons; Does the General Motors Strike Herald New Social Struggles?; Absolute and Relative Overpopulation; Reflections on the First International
by Yvon Bourdet, P. Canjuers, Michel Lairot, Paul Tikal
D. Mothé: From Mr. First to Mr. Next, the Big Chiefs of Industrial Relations: SouBA (exceprts)
Georges Lapassade: Dominant Bureaucracy and Political Slavery
Paul Cardan: Marxism and Revolutionary Theory (End)
Jack Weinberg: The Free Speech Movement and Civil Rights
The World in Question:
The Vietnam War; The “Teach-Ins”; Uneventful France; Zorba le Grec [Zorba the Greek, by Michael Cacoyannis]: La foule solitaire [The Lonely Crowd], by David Riesman
by P. Canjuers, S. Chatel, A. and H. Gérard, P. Tikal