
Simultaneous with the October 1, 2018 print publication by Eris of A Socialisme ou Barbarie Anthology: Autonomy, Critique, and Revolution in the Age of Bureaucratic Capitalism, the new multilingual SouBTrans Project Website begins to make available to all an ever-growing number of translations, in multiple languages, of texts from the postwar revolutionary review Socialisme ou Barbarie. Organe de Critique et d’Orientation Révolutionnaire (1949-1965).

The SouBTrans Project Website welcomes contributions from translators in all languages. Such persons may contact the SouBTrans Project Website here: contact@soubtrans.org. Translation coordinators for each language may also write to: contact@soubtrans.org in order volunteer their services. Those who wish to receive free electronic update announcements about new posted translations may contact the Cornelius Castoriadis/Agora International Website here: curtis@msh-paris.fr.

A first set of English-language translations—an electronic version of Eris’s A Socialisme ou Barbarie Anthology: Autonomy, Critique, and Revolution in the Age of Bureaucratic Capitalism—may now be downloaded on the SouBTrans Project Website here: http://soubtrans.org/SouBA.pdf

All those who download this free online volume made available as a public service are also urged to purchase the nonprofit (at cost) print edition, A Socialisme ou Barbarie Anthology: Autonomy, Critique, and Revolution in the Age of Bureaucratic Capitalism, at: http://eris.press/Socialisme-ou-Barbarie in order to support this laudable effort.

Additional Socialisme ou Barbarie translations will be posted in the near future in multiple languages on the SouBTrans Project Website.

Scans of all forty issues of Socialisme ou Barbarie in the original French are already available at the SouBScan Project Website.